What Areas Can Be Treated?
Laser nail therapy treats any toenail or fingernail with a fungal infection
How Does It Work?
When undergoing a laser toenail or fingernail fungus treatment, one of our trained technicians will apply a directed focused light source on to the toe or finger nail that is infected. The laser nail fungus treatment will target the fungal infection in the nail and the area below called the nail matrix. The YAG laser nail fungus treatment will destroy the fungal infection because of the specific wavelength used by the laser nail fungus treatment, it targets only the living fungi and does not damage any of the surrounding tissue.
What To Expect:
This treatment feels like heat on the nail plate and goes away as soon as the laser stops. The treatment takes just 15 minutes and is pain free, with no anesthesia needed. Generally 3 treatments are required over the course of 9 months. Over the next 9 to 12 months after treatment, a new, non-infected toenail or fingernail grows out.
Post Treatment:
After each procedure, you are able to continue with your regular schedule. You will need to keep your nails clean and dry and not apply any nail polish for 2 weeks. In some cases, we will ask you to treat at home in between your laser treatments with an over the counter anti-fungal cream.